Phnom Penh Map

Cambodia Travel Maps
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Phnom Penh Map

You may not always have access to Google Maps or a physical map of your location when traveling through the Kingdom of Wonder.

That’s why we have this hi-res map of Phnom Penh available for you to download for free. We hope this will come in handy for planning your trip to Cambodia and navigating through the busy city.

This map is available for you to download for free. Use it for any purpose: Cambodia travel and planning, blog posts, and websites.

Use the download button to get the highest resolution map!


Hi-Res Phnom Penh Map


Hi-Res-PhnomPenh-Map - Courtesy of Toursim of Cambodia


Phnom Penh is Cambodia’s capital and most populous city. Sitting on the banks of the Tonlé Sap, Mekong, and Bassac Rivers, Phnom Penh is home to more than 2 million Khmer. That’s around 14% of the Cambodian population!

Phnom Penh is located in the south-central region of Cambodia. The capital city covers an area of 678.46 square km.

Throughout the growing city, you’ll see beautiful French colonial and ancient Khmer style architecture. With new buildings going up every day, it really is a mash of the new and the old. Let us know if this Map of Phnom Penh helps you on your journey!


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